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Image by bennoptic


Our community projects at Finca Mia are focused on supporting the locals, protecting the mountains and raising a generation with conscious teachings and curiosity

Image by Michael Olsen

BreathE in Nature
at Finca Mia reserve

With great happiness, Finca Mia is now supporting forest regeneration and the protection of our lands with the Breathe In Nature project on the soon-to-be Finca Mia Reserve.

The reserve of 22 hectares supports Finca Mia in offsetting CO2 emissions, purifies our air and beautifies the planet.

We look forward to welcoming guests and volunteers to support us with forest regeneration and the planting of food forests in the near future. Those that prefer to, can support with a donation to the reserve to help us buy the resources needed to fund the project and support the work to be done here. We hope to inspire people to be aware of their carbon footprint and grow passionate in caring for our planet.  We also aim to offer education on how to implement regeneration on earth and in our souls.

Check back soon for more details and ways to get involved.

Escuelita Finca Mia

Following the Waldorf method, our local school was born to raise and teach our community children with consciousness, curiosity, and respect for nature.

Visit the Escuelita website to find out more and make a donation.

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